gym bunny back

2 MOST COMMON Postural Problems (and FIXES!)

Reading time: 2 minutes
Video run-time: 6 minutes & 8 minutes

Reviewing my clients…

THE 2 MOST COMMON (but fixable) back-related postural problems are…


forward head posture, aka poked neck, aka postural kyphosis


the booty tooch (as Tyra Banks calls it), aka anterior pelvic tilt


…MAYBE if you were a super model, this might work… but it still isn’t good for your back!!


Our goal here is to address common postural issues, by creating awareness & education, then manage/fix with massage and strengthening stretches/exercises. There is SO MUCH you can do along side your massage sessions to create a STRONGER, BETTER YOU.

Please read the medical disclaimer below. If you’re able to do these stretches, do so starting at a gradual pace.

AWARENESS! Once you become more aware of your posture, you’ll be able to correct them and strengthen the relevant bits! See below:


NUMBER 1: FIX Forward-head posture / poked neck / postural kyphosis

Not surprisingly, we use our mobiles/ipads/computers most of the day… and well, it DOES have an impact on our neck alignment/posture. This excessive forward tilt of the head actually puts a lot of pressure on your vertebrae, shoulders,  and so on.

Do this stretch/exercise, if you’re able to without any pain… do them 2x/day and see how you go… you’ll very soon get a better neck posture! Video run-time: 6 minutes


NUMBER 2: FIX The booty tooch (as Tyra Banks call it) / anterior pelvic tilt

The next common problem is this excessive tilt in the pelvis/hip, which unnecessarily puts lots of pressure in your lower back.

Do this stretch/exercise, if you’re able to so without any pain… do them 1x/day and see how you go… you’ll very soon get a lower-back posture! Video run-time: 8 minutes


Medical Disclaimer: This is not medical advice, and is intended as a suggestion for stretching. We recognise that there are many individuals with different circumstance. Do so on your own advisement. If you recognise pain or extreme discomfort during this exercise, stop and seek professional advise from your doctor.

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