Firstly, I'm not trying to get you to do that pose above! The goal here is to inform you of this extremely important complex group of muscles which affects most of my clients. High on info and low on jargon, here we go!
According to Harvard Medicine
...the core muscles is a collection of muscles that creates a "sturdy central link in a chain connecting your upper and lower body" where much of your movements "either originate in your core, or move through it". Read more about benefits of a strong core here https://www.health.harvard.edu/healthbeat/the-real-world-benefits-of-strengthening-your-core
"Oh, you mean abs?!"
Well, not really. Exactly which muscles does it include then? Run a search and you'll see that opinion varies depending on the expert as to whether the core muscles include parts of your upper-leg.
For our purposes (of a healthy back and good posture), we're mostly concerned with the muscles deep 'behind' your abs, hiding within the body, close to the organs surrounding your torso. This includes some of your deep back muscles and your pelvic floor - and these are our main concern here.
Look at the link below to see more diagrams and videos to show you exactly what it is!
As I've mentioned over a hundred times to all my clients, stretches and massage are amazing to 'jump-start' and release deep tension in your body.
As you'll know by now, my passion is to fix people for good, and the longevity of your happy healthy back requires both releasing (via stretch and massage) AND strengthening (via strengthening exercises) of muscles.
The question of which muscles need strengthening will vary from person to person (depending on the issues), but it inevitably ALWAYS include a good and stable collection of core muscles.
So without further ado, here's your first Core Muscle (strengthening exercise).
It is so simple you don't need any equipment and can do it at home! You'll only need 1 minute a day - and if you can do it for 1 minute, you're already really good.
Let's do this EVERYDAY FOR 1 MINUTE, we'll go through with another core strengthening exercise next week to add to our repertoire!
Medical disclaimer: always consult with your medical doctor if unsure or if you're experiencing pain.
Diagram of core muscles in the torso including Levator Ani (which forms part of your pelvic floor). As you can see, there's PLENTY of deep muscles which make up the core musculature. Let's slowly start strengthening our core muscles first by doing the following Front Plank for just 1 min a day.
Diagram of core muscles in the torso
including Levator Ani (which forms part of your pelvic floor)
The Front Plank
Do this for 1 minute a day (See also video "Never Do Planks Like This | 10 most common mistakes")
Taken from the American Council of Exercise
Step 1
Starting Position: Lie prone (on your stomach) on an exercise mat or floor with your elbows close to your sides and directly under your shoulders, palms down and hands facing forward. Contract your quadriceps to extend your legs and dorsiflex your ankles (pull toes towards your shins). Contract your core and abdominal muscles to stiffen your torso.
Step 2
Upward Phase. Slowly lift your entire torso off the floor or mat, maintaining a stiff torso and legs. Avoid any arching (sagging) in your low back, hiking (upwards) in your hips or bending in the knees. Avoid shrugging your shoulder and keep your shoulders positioned directly over your elbows with your palms facing down. Continue to breath while holding this position for a specified time (5+ seconds).
Step 3
Downward Phase: While maintaining a stiff torso and extended knees, gently lower your body back towards the mat or floor before relaxing.
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