We are back open on Fri 5 June! Here’s what you need to know…

Time-lapse: our 2hr process of re-upholstering and recessing brand new memory foam using marine-grade vinyl so everything remains ‘wipe-able’ and comfortable.

UPDATE: Yes, we will be back open Fri 5 June!

Just remember:

When you’re indoors, you’re required to 1) wear a surgical mask and gloves (provided to you for free) at all times; 2) reduce chatter; 3) if you’re going to sneeze/cough, you must do so into your elbow; 4) importantly, if sneezing/coughing occurs DURING the treatment, your therapist will leave the room to give you a few moments to sanitise the area (with the equipment provided) at which time, the air purifier will automatically go to maximum; 5) discard your gloves and mask and sanitise your hands when you leave.

But as we strive to keep the environment as sterile as possible, here are a few cosmetic things you may notice to be different:

1 – Not as many plush fluffy towels and blankets about:

The reason: as a means to keep everything manageable and wipe-able, we have eliminated the use of our plush fluffy blanket that keeps you warm, also everyone is allowed 1 towel per person.

2 – So fewer blankets doesn’t mean it’ll be cold:

Because we’ve also introduced an over-head radiant heater which will gently beam heat onto the table and keep everyone nice and cosy!


If you haven’t already seen our covid-19 chart and preparedness plan, here are our previous 2 blog posts again:

Covid-19 Preparedness & How We Keep Ourselves Safe

UPDATE: Covid-19


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