Welcome to your first massage with us!



Once you arrive at Massage Therapy on Elizabeth, you will be asked to fill out intake forms to record any relevant medical history, injuries or physical conditions we should be aware of. We recommend arriving 15 minutes early for your appointment to complete these forms.



Your therapist will review with you the forms (along with previous notes) and discuss the reasons for your visit and any specific areas you would like to address during your massage. Session time includes 10 minutes for consultation and dressing.



Your massage session is in a retreat-like, tranquil, private room. Your therapist will leave the room to allow you to disrobe and lay down on the table under the top sheet. You may prefer to completely disrobe or remain partially clothed*. During your session, your therapist will only uncover the area of your body being worked on. You may also charge your portable devices at the charging station provide at this time. *It is much easier for your therapist to use multiple techniques for glute-related work if you are wearing very loose underpants or completely disrobed. **ACCESSORIES: Please also remove accessories around your wrist and neck (you may leave your rings on). ***Tying of hair: if you have long hair, this is the time to tie up your hair.



It’s all about you. Communication is key to receiving the most effective treatment for achieving your goals, which is why we use a system for you to indicate your preference for pressure*. All treatments are customised according to your consultation, with the type of treatment decided by what you have booked, whether more general relaxation, stress reduction, therapeutic or a treatment focusing on specific parts of your body. *The numbering system (1-10) will be explained during your session.



When your massage is complete, your therapist will wait outside the room so you may dress. When you’re ready, your therapist will return you to the front and give you a glass of water. If there is time, your therapist usually tries to spend a few minutes to provide some notes about observations of your musculature .



Post-massage soreness is a type of soreness that commonly occurs after a therapeutic massage. It ranges from a mild sensation to fairly moderate soreness and lasts between one to four days. The key to less post-massage soreness is the time of your deep tissue treatment - the longer duration, the less the soreness. Also this soreness becomes significantly less noticeable as you get accustomed to therapeutic massages. If this is your first therapeutic session with us, your therapist will be more cautious with the pressure during your treatment.



We are different to most outlets as we aim to fix our clients for good. At the very least we usually provide very significant alleviation of problems and sometimes even clearing of chronic muscular problems. If you're interested in a long-term fix, talk to your therapist! We will be glad to point you in the right direction if your questions go beyond our expertise.

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